Blessed Easter

Welcome to the month of April!  

The second day of April marks the passage from Lent into Holy Week.  Then we celebrate the Easter Triduum, the period which marks the end of the forty days of Lent and begins the three-day celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ — Holy Thursday April 6th, Good Friday April 7th and Easter Vigil/Easter Sunday.  This year Easter Sunday falls on April 9th. After we celebrate Easter, the daily prayers move to the “Glory Be…” for the remainder of the month to celebrate the glory of the beautiful Easter season.

April also brings Earth Day, April 22! For the past 50 years, Earth Day has been celebrated by billions of people around the globe, annually every April 22, to join together in promoting awareness for the health of our environment.Increasing natural disasters, extreme weather, and rising global temperatures may seem impossible for one human, let alone millions or even billions of humans, to slow down, or stop. It has been reported that coral reefs are dying, we see pictures of animals on land and in the ocean with trash in their bellies or around their body, and corporate factories and large companies around the world continue to pollute our air and our living spaces. But a small action, like picking up litter on the sidewalk that may have otherwise ended up around the neck of an animal or in the ocean, still makes an impact — a step in the right direction, and an important change.

Visit  for a multitude of actions that will help our Earth stay healthy!